
Showing posts from 2018

Give and it will be given to you...

Give and you will receive The bible says it best... Luke 6:38 says that if you give, your gift will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over when you get back what you gave. Look at it like this... Say you give to a local family in need. Then years down the road you find yourself in need! Don't be surprised when your needs are met by others who can help. Maybe even by that exact family that you helped years before.  I host a Monday night bible study in my home and 2 of my very best friends attend regularly. The three of us have decided to give to those who are enduring chemotherapy treatments. We can't cure cancer as a little bible study group but, we CAN agree to help those who are trying to survive. We have started a campaign to start collecting donations for Chemo Care Bags. I did this with my church women's ministry last year and, it was extremely rewarding!  In 2018 our bible study group now known as Free to Believe Missions will donate at le...

Comparison, don't fall for the trap.

When we compare ourselves with other people we are creating an open door for the prince of lies. Comparison tells us that we are either better than others, or fall short of what others view as successful. This has never been more of an issue than it is today, with all the social media sites out there. We have started to gauge our relationships by how many "likes" and "shares" we have. When people don't respond in the way we wan t we start to compare ourselves. I guess that person is taller than me, that person has more friends than me, that person has pretty blond hair, that person is skinny or in shape, wow he prays for 3 hours a day! etc. etc. etc. You can fill in the blank here. By comparing we either build up ourselves to the point of narcissism or, we tear ourselves down to the point of depression. Either way the end result is killing your joy! Exactly what the enemy wants. God made each of us unique in the way that He wanted, so that we could ...

Facing Fear with Faith

This life we live in times of trouble can only be faced successfully when we turn to the bible for answers. Many will oppose us for having this belief. A belief that God will go before us, that God is our refuge, and our stronghold. Society today will pose the question, "Where is your god now?" when we face trials that appear to be impossible to overcome. It is in those times that we must focus our hearts and minds on Jesus' victory.  When we as Christians are faced with terrifying situations the bible tells us many times to BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS, DO NOT FEAR, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. As humans who live in a world full of uncertainty we sometimes find it hard to remember that God has already cleared our way.  I have faced many scary events in my life. I came to my belief in Jesus Christ because of a life event that brought me to my knees. Over the years God has shown me that I CAN face these trials without fear and trembling because Jesus never leaves me. I ...