Give and it will be given to you...

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Give and you will receive

The bible says it best... Luke 6:38 says that if you give, your gift will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over when you get back what you gave. Look at it like this... Say you give to a local family in need. Then years down the road you find yourself in need! Don't be surprised when your needs are met by others who can help. Maybe even by that exact family that you helped years before. 

I host a Monday night bible study in my home and 2 of my very best friends attend regularly. The three of us have decided to give to those who are enduring chemotherapy treatments. We can't cure cancer as a little bible study group but, we CAN agree to help those who are trying to survive. We have started a campaign to start collecting donations for Chemo Care Bags. I did this with my church women's ministry last year and, it was extremely rewarding! 

In 2018 our bible study group now known as Free to Believe Missions will donate at least 50 Chemo Care Bags to Vicotry in the Valley. They are a non-profit organization in Wichita, Kansas. They give support to those who are fighting cancer with chemotherapy. They offer so many services to the community that I will ask you to visit the website to find out what all of those services are. 

We are giving our time and resourses to others through assembling Chemo Care Bags for cancer patients who are living through chem treatments. We will donte the the above mentioned non-profit group and, individuals as well. To meet the demands we have to achieve our target, we have started a GoFundMe page. The donations are greatly needed and, every penny we recieve will go into filling these bags. We are covering our operating expenses with our own money.

Our chemo care bags contain items that help pass the time, ease discomfort, and lift up the person who recieves one. Here is a list...

Lap blanket
Soft stocking cap
Fuzzy socks
Travel mug
Skin care
Lip balm
Crossword / coloring book
Colored pencils
Prayer warrior info card
Port pillow

All of these items on this list are placed in a colorful recycled fabric shopping bag that they can use to carry the items to the treatment center. 

I am positive that you know someone who has been touched by cancer at some point in life. Ask those who lived through chemotherapy if this gift would have been something they would have cherished. 

Now, search your heart. Ask yourself if you can do without that fancy coffee drink for a week. If you can, please donate here

We are on a mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this campaign. If you would like a bag to go to someone you know and love, or you need one yourself you can contact us on the GoFundMe link above.

Until next time...

Keep the faith~

Cheryl D


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