Comparison, don't fall for the trap.

Image result for comparison is the thief of joy

When we compare ourselves with other people we are creating an open door for the prince of lies. Comparison tells us that we are either better than others, or fall short of what others view as successful.

This has never been more of an issue than it is today, with all the social media sites out there. We have started to gauge our relationships by how many "likes" and "shares" we have. When people don't respond in the way we want we start to compare ourselves. I guess that person is taller than me, that person has more friends than me, that person has pretty blond hair, that person is skinny or in shape, wow he prays for 3 hours a day! etc. etc. etc. You can fill in the blank here. By comparing we either build up ourselves to the point of narcissism or, we tear ourselves down to the point of depression. Either way the end result is killing your joy! Exactly what the enemy wants.

God made each of us unique in the way that He wanted, so that we could be used by Him to further the kingdom of God. That little quirk that you have is the one thing that sets you apart from the masses. The one thing that you may dislike about yourself could be the thing that God put there for His use. You may have a tendency to talk too much. Maybe God needs you to spread the gospel. Whatever your thing is try to see the good in it. People may call you weak because you cry a lot. Your tender heart my be what helps console others who are sick or hurting. People may say that you are pushy. Could it be that you are the one God wants to use as a mission coordinator? They say that you think you are "Holier than thou"! God delights in your faithfullness and, 3 hour prayer time.

Image result for psalm 139:14

So, for you to compare yourself to others, is to deny what God has intended for your life. Don't be a slave to comparison. You are exactly what the world needed when God made you! This world needs you to be.... Y.O.U.

Here is what  the Bible says about comparison...

Galatians 1:10 ESV

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

2 Timothy 2:15 ESV 

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 

There are a bunch of verses out there that help us see the truth about comparison. I encourage you to search for them. Then write them down and, put them in a place that you will find them when you need encouraged.

Keep the faith~

Cheryl D


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