Give and it will be given to you...
Give and you will receive The bible says it best... Luke 6:38 says that if you give, your gift will be pressed down, shaken together, and running over when you get back what you gave. Look at it like this... Say you give to a local family in need. Then years down the road you find yourself in need! Don't be surprised when your needs are met by others who can help. Maybe even by that exact family that you helped years before. I host a Monday night bible study in my home and 2 of my very best friends attend regularly. The three of us have decided to give to those who are enduring chemotherapy treatments. We can't cure cancer as a little bible study group but, we CAN agree to help those who are trying to survive. We have started a campaign to start collecting donations for Chemo Care Bags. I did this with my church women's ministry last year and, it was extremely rewarding! In 2018 our bible study group now known as Free to Believe Missions will donate at le...