January 7th prayer...

January 7th prayer...

Father God, Your kingdom economy is perfect and sound. It is our economy that is upside-down. You say give and you shall receive. The world says if I give I have less so I will hold back what I have. Lord, why doesn't world know that all we have is from You? None of our treasures belong to us. It is all Yours. We are only stewards and all treasures that we obtain in this life are like dross. They will sift away like fine sands. You, Jesus are the treasure we should seek. In You we find unconditional love, forgiveness, acceptance, and salvation. All of which are far more precious than money. Forgive us Lord for our greed. I pray that as Americans we can all come together as good stewards of Your lavish gifts. These are not ours to store away! You give and call us to become more like You Jesus. You give us 24 hours so that we may give of our time. Jesus, You forgive our sins so that we may forgive those who sin against us. You have mercy for is each morning so that we may be merciful to others. Jesus You teach us to pray so that we can pray for others. Lord, let Your kingdom come here on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.


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